Did you enjoy playing the original version of WOW Classic? Well, here comes a new and improved version. Released on November 16, 2021, PST, World of Warcraft Season of Mastery shortly referred to as WOW SOM Gold comes in a 12-month content cycle whereby players begin a new at level one on a newly formulated server.

Are you ready to know the new changes put in place? Here they are.

New Technological Advances of WOW SOM Gold to Look out for in 2022

Faster Levelling Speed

It’s roughly quicker than wow classic by 25%. It also features a 40% buff to all quests, even those flagged as group elites.

Hardcore Support

There is no official mode of Hardcore in WOW classic, but players who choose to delete their characters willingly delete their characters after they die.

There are two additional in game-high Elf Chroniclers, namely chronicler Morta and Chronicler Fero in Undercity and Ironforge, to support players who choose to play Hardcore.

If your characters have never died, you can request the soul of the iron buff from NPCs. Confirm the challenge, and you will get in your Spellbook known as the “Soul of Iron” that will turn you into a stone.

You will see a notification “Never Known Defeat” if you do not die and mouse over the Soul of Iron buff on your buff bar.

In short, players can gain a buff which shows their achievement of not dying.

Chat Feedback Changes

WOW SOM comes with advanced added in chat changes. For example, players can report characters misbehaviors or verbal misdemeanors. You will receive a message when WOW SOM punishes the offender.

You will receive a warning confirming that you modified your behavior if you moderately changed before the penalty.

Ignore now blocks characters on the ignored wow account.

The system will skip a warning and promptly take action when acutely inappropriate behavior is imminent in a player.


All world buffs are disabled, thus making it significantly challenging than in wow classic. Most raid bosses are now in shape to make their difficulty increase.

PvP Honor System

WOW SOM also incorporates profound changes in the PvP system as follows.

World PVP plaguelands are also enabled.

Players will also gain twice the maximum amount of weekly ranking progress. Prolific players hat consistently finish at the top of ranking each week should expect to move through the ranks twice as fast as was possible in the previous version.

Many Alliance Guard NPCs and Horde removed from Alterac valley in pac 1.11 of the original version have returned from retirement.

Arathi Basin, Alterac Valley, and Warsong Gulch are available, including their rewards and reputations.

Dungeon Changes

Most changes here aim to reduce the ability of lower-level characters in Som.

Blackrock depths.

There is the availability of totems, librams, idols, and adjusted drop locations and drop rates of the hand of justice in Blackrock depth.

For sure, the upgrades that come with WOW SOM are mind-blowing compared to the previous SOM version. Who doesn’t like this? Am sure you do.


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